During this decade the club:
- continued support for the breast care cushions project
- continued support for the Birthing Kit Foundation
- supported the Eastern Adelaide Domestic Violence Service with workshops for women at the centre, fundraising, maintaining a garden area, providing and packing Christmas presents for women and children, managing the donations sheds, delivering bread and food parcels, and providing household and linen materials for women leaving the shelter
- developed a campaign Walk in My Shoes focussing on violence against women and published a book of women’s stories
- increased the Adelaide High School scholarships from $500 to $1,000 and awarded two new scholarships of $1,000 for Mitcham Girls High School and an Aboriginal Girls scholarship
- increased the scholarship for a female graduate of The University of Adelaide School of Science and Engineering to $3,000 and the Gender Studies Prize to $500
- supported the St Peter’s Women’s Community Centre with a grant to run courses, provided support in management and planning, assisted in the running of the Op Shop and co hosted a series of speaker evenings.
- received a Service Award from Zonta International for our work with victims of domestic violence
- established a $3,000 Award for a female student at the University of South Australia to undertake a community service project.
Club Presidents during this decade were: Louise Temlett, Lynn Oxlad, Millicent Hughes, Raema Mahony, Bev Gum and Wendy Bruce.