Women Artists

Talks for those interested in art, history and women’s stories. Join the revival of interest in the lives and works of women artists.

A series of Thursday mornings in winter – 27 July, 3 August, 10 August and 17 August, to raise funds for Zonta Club of Adelaide projects and programs to support women and girls.

Funds raised will go to Zonta Club of Adelaide scholarships and projects to support women and girls.


27 July – Frida Kahlo – Mexican iconic artist

3 August – Yayoi Kusama – Japanese living artist famous for her sculptures and installations and use of polka dots

10 August – Clarice Beckett – Australian artist who painted beautiful landscapes

17 August – A tour of Art Gallery of SA to view the works of these artists.

Time – 10.00am – 12.00pm

Venue – Lochend Community Hall, Locheil Park, Campbelltown

Cost – $20 per session

Note the tour on 17 August session is free to those who have attended the earlier sessions.

To book click here https://www.trybooking.com/CJPYN